April 6, May 4, May 25 Camp Work Days
9 am-3 pm Lunch Provided
For Your Entire Family
Contact: Isaac Houf
April 28 Camp Rally
6-8 pm @ Downing Christian Church
Supper — Bring a side dish or dessert
For Your Entire Family
Contact: Walker Franke
July 12-14 Family Camp
5 pm Friday - Noon Sunday
(Come for all or part of the weekend!)
For Your Entire Family
Dean: Roger Crawford
We will be having three Official Camp Work Days on April 6, May 4, and May 25 to get things cleaned up and ready for camp to begin. Skilled and unskilled laborers of all ages are welcome to come help from 9 am to 3 pm each day! Pizza lunch will be provided. Donations welcome.
We will be having our Camp Rally on April 28 from 6 to 8 pm to kick off our 2024 season! Your entire family is invited to attend this fun evening. We will have supper beginning at 6 pm— bring a side dish or dessert to share. Following the meal at 7 pm, there will be a God’s Squad performance, a preview of our 2024 camp season, and a free-will offering for the camp!
Family Camp will be July 12-14. You and your family are welcome to come for all or part of the weekend. You can stay in the dorms or you can bring your own tent or camper. Registration begins at 5 pm on Friday and the weekend concludes after lunch on Sunday. The cost is a free-will offering. More info will be sent to the churches separately.